cALM closets & tidy dressers

Organized by Meg believes that you deserve to start and end your busy day in a neat and tidy closet because it makes your life easier and makes you feel good. You should be able to easily find your favorite jeans in and know exactly where to put away your clean leggings. Ladies, you are kicking ass in your career, managing your household and whatever else you say “yes” to that you maybe should have said “no” to (we are all working on boundaries, right?), so the least you can do is treat yourself to some decent hangers. Goodbye plastic, hello velvet. At the heart of an organized closet, is saying goodbye to the clothes and accessories that don’t deserve to take up space anymore in order to create room for your favorites and new additions. Let your blouses, dresses and tees hang with room to breathe and a chance to be seen. We can hang it all or fold it all, but either way you will know where to find it and where to put it away.




Children & Pre Teen Closets