well-kept kitchens

It’s what’s on the inside that matters. You may have a beautifully renovated kitchen, maybe even with clutter-free counters, but what do those cabinets and drawers look like behind the scenes? Are they a hot mess, filled with items with no rhyme or reason? My kitchen organizing projects involve reorganizing your entire kitchen for better efficiency, or setting you up from scratch in a new one.

Organized by Meg thinks of all the details such as adjusting shelf heights, removing shelves, making sure drawer organizers don’t slide around, and even paying your under-the-sink some much needed attention. Based on getting to know your lifestyle and daily routine, I determine where you need things placed, at what height and ease of access you need them placed with and if you need a label on it or not. I can create coffee and tea stations, drawers specifically set up for kids, and help you to reduce your collection of 57 coffee mugs.

Even if you are not a big cook (like me), the kitchen is the hub of your home and it’s order and function should be optimal. Maybe you want to spice up your life with a beautifully organized spice drawer or maybe you just want to be able to find the salad tongs when you need them. I’ve got you.




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