Organized by Meg creates the storage systems you need in some of the most neglected spaces of your homes. Because storage rooms and home gyms are often in basements or in other places out of sight, it is easy for them to become a dumping ground for things you both need and things you just end up holding onto as you live your life. Once these spaces pile up to a point of no return, it becomes increasingly hard to find the seasonal decor and household items you need as well as have space to exercise clutter-free. We are experts at sorting through all of the clutter, creating floor space, helping you determine what stays and what goes, and then organizing what’s left in a way that you can easily access it when it’s time to. That’s the entire goal of organizing - clear the clutter to make room for things your family actually needs or loves and be able to find those things when they are needed.


Home Offices, Flexrooms & Junk Drawers