3 Hard-Earned Lessons I’ve Learned In 4 Years of Business

This October marks my 4-year business anniversary! My expertise working in homes as a professional home organizer has grown in tremendous ways and so has my knowledge of running a small business and being self employed. I have learned SO many things and I’d love to share my 3 biggest lessons with you.

Small Business Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

Creating, running and growing a small business has been harder than I ever expected.  What started as a hobby growing up and continued into adulthood became a full blown business once I realized I was really good at it and felt called to share my skills and help others.  I have had so many ups and downs in these 4 years that have really tested me...

First, I created my company in 2019 but my planned business launch was immediately de-railed by the COVID pandemic.  Just as I was getting away from organizing for only friends and family and officially open to the public, the pandemic was rearing it's ugly head in early 2020.  I had to learn how to navigate starting my business much later in 2020 instead, amongst a lot of apprehension and still not-normal work arrangements for my clients (plus working in a heavy duty mask for a year).  

From there it was full speed ahead through the end of 2021, where I found myself ready (and desperately needing) to hire help but - surprise! - my husband Matt and I decided to move across the country for his job.  So I closed down my business in New Jersey and took several months to set up our new lives in Colorado (while mourning the abrupt loss of my business - my 3rd baby really).  I had NO idea re-launching my business in a new place would require a brand new effort just as it did in my previous state and it was really hard to start all over again!

Since then I got back on my organizing feet and have grown the business but I experienced my first slow period in early 2024 and found myself struggling with some depression, doubting myself, and seriously considering going back to corporate employment.  After crying, a lot, I realized I could give up or double down on my efforts.  I chose to double down and my efforts and patience started to pay off.

I've been working non-stop since but I am learning how to better handle the many ups and downs that this small business brings!

Making Small Improvements Along The Way Ensures Longevity

I have learned to be more patient, give myself some grace and realize that not ALL of my ideas and improvements can be implemented all at once.  I am super ambitious, I have lots of ideas and I can be both excited and impatient to get them going. I can already see though how small changes really add up over time to make a big difference.  This past year alone I have learned to do a better job of setting realistic goals and spacing out my desired business improvements over time because I'm in this for the long game. I'd love to do this work as long as I can and that requires small continuous improvements so I don't burn out from work (again) and hire help so I can focus on the most important things one at a time.

This is something easier said than done, but I feel that coming to the realization that “there is time” is the first step to working on it. I do know that along my business journey it will always remain my priority to infuse my 3 core values into my services: (1) client focus, (2) integrity and (3) passion.

It's All About The Client

I have learned that while running a small business, particularly a service business, its important to remember that it is all about the client.  You may be interested in me as a person because you want to know me, like me and trust me in order to hire me, BUT other than that it is ALL about you. Clients usually don't care how I do what I do or my opinions and stories on certain things. People as humans love to talk about themselves, feel heard and feel taken care of. So providing a service and creating customized systems that work for each individual household requires a LOT of listening both to what you’re saying and what you’re not. You know, a little bit of mind reading ;)

going forward

Being in business for myself these past 4 years has taught me more than my 10+ years spent working in corporate.  It has been life changing for me and for my family because not only can I create the business I want and the schedule I want - but I am a much happier wife and mom for it.  I may still work a lot of hours, but it's all within my control :)

Because of these big lessons I’ve learned in the start of my journey, I feel much more confident as a service provider. I can focus on really hearing what my clients want, delivering an amazing full-service home organizing experience and continue to make small improvements over time based on feedback and mistakes. It's an absolute joy working to make the lives of busy women and families easier and more efficient.

Looking for more insight into how Organized by Meg will transform your Denver area home and life? Join our mailing list to learn more, get inspired, and grab your behind-the-scenes guide here.

And if you’d like to see how our Denver area clients have benefited from our home organizing services check out over 50 5-star reviews here.

Sending you organized vibes,



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